Securonix Employee Spotlight: Kevin Kirksey on What Makes Teams Unstoppable

Securonix Employee Spotlight: Kevin Kirksey

Before my career kicked off, I had the honor of participating in a college baseball team that won the College World Series. The fondest memory I have of that journey was not winning the big prize, but realizing when we came together as people, as friends, and as athletes, we were unstoppable – and we proved it. There was no more powerful feeling than to be on the same field as opponents who were stacked with All Americans, and take them out nine innings later.

The desire to feel that again in my life has not escaped me, it burns bright in my soul.

In my career, I have built and led some great teams, done significant transactions, and met phenomenal human beings along the way. But only recently was I able to recapture that unstoppable feeling in what I can say was the most exhilarating and inspirational day I have had at Securonix in my 3+ years with the company.

Our team spent many long hours in preparation for a marathon two-day client meeting. It was grueling and multifaceted. Several business functions and groups had to come together to make our presentation happen. It had all the makings of a disjointed disaster.

Instead, what happened was an incredible show of unity. Everyone listened to each other and stayed the course on how the sessions should go, the content presented, and in what order. Rather than having multiple, disparate, presentation decks, each of which could have intersected the other and caused boredom with our prospect, the team came together as one, in unison, and delivered an A+++ performance.

Beyond being in alignment, our team had true confidence in one another. We trusted our leaders to help guide the ship – a ship where everyone was rowing as hard as they could. We had faith in those behind the scenes who were developing and fixing materials on the fly, while demos and discussions were underway.

It’s these moments, observing the executive, technical, and sales teams, all working as one, that motivates your employees. It’s experiences like this that make me want to crush it for this company.

There is no power greater than what a real team can produce, and for me, it’s that feeling I once had after winning the championship. Before I even knew the result of our presentation, I knew just how special – and how unstoppable – the force of our team truly was. I’m deeply humbled to have found that again.

Kevin Kirksey

Regional VP


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