Detecting Python-Based PY#RATION Attack Campaign with Securonix

In our advisory, we detailed how the new PY#RATION attack campaign works. C2 communication is stealthy and detecting it might prove relatively difficult as many business applications leverage the WebSocket protocol to establish communication. Given the plethora of evasion techniques present in the malware, we have provided recommendations and mitigation techniques below for Securonix customers.

Figure 1: PY#RATION v1.6.0 VirusTotal detections


Tactic Technique
Initial Access T1566.001: Spearphishing Attachment
Execution T1204.002: User Execution: Malicious File

T1059.005: Command and Scripting Interpreter: Visual Basic
T1059.006: Command and Scripting Interpreter: Python

Persistence T1547.001: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder
Defense Evasion T1140: Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information
Discovery T1420: File and Directory Discovery

T1016.001: System Network Configuration Discovery

T1426: System Information Discovery

T1033: System Owner/User Discovery

Command and Control T1071.001: Web Protocols

T1132.001: Data Encoding: Standard Encoding

T1105: Ingress Tool Transfer

Collection T1115: Clipboard Data
T1185: Browser Session HijackingT1005: Data from Local System
Credential Access T1555.003: Credentials from Password Stores: Credentials from Web Browsers
Exfiltration T1041: Exfiltration Over C2 Channel

Indicators of compromise

Network-based IoCs

Analyzed file hashes

File name SHA256 4d297ebe3b607eb88a6c30a74a0ad23272f44ffbcf2b49f72444048b78c6e1b4
front.jpg.lnk 3b445be3da961379b11af1fee71fe4513e10832f77727b3a8bbe2eb7bd60b5c3


back.jpg.lnk 4a32aa89a5250801c53d19370d98682e0561b642901bdd2987831bc983e0a544
front.bat c4cf65c95e68c6d610d8735d2922f89f98a6f37257b41ba01cf8179d5947298e
back.bat e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
b.bat 5f72c5dde7cba7071193ee7053e1adde5ea570f0c4192ac350f5835766060e5a
c.bat 6f8b208c3d4c1536ddf99304c880b939036a0725b1cc7fd44d768703da86fb68



45b8f95j17.bat 142b485d45344ff03c056ebf1bfe25eaeb0496338b5b2e0bb64bfef1ff81c4e6
one.exe fb592d344486d7c4d15df05ce58c84717b89dda7ae5bbd1aeccf49fbc7d47646


ctask.exe 95d2c8e6109f0ce1afb4b9d902b2f88b48ca41c6713855f3d0bf77d869a5c9a4
cortanaassistance.exe bba407734a2567c7e22e443ee5cc1b3a5780c9dd44c79b4a94d514449b0fd39a
CortanaAssistance.txt 24d66c7d5c6250403a957c282772b01c9edab85a29bcea8e0690ad7672f74ddf


Some examples of relevant Securonix detection policies

  • EDR-ALL-1100-RU
  • EDR-ALL-212-RU
  • EDR-ALL-1098-RU

Hunting queries

  • rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “ProcessCreate” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “SyntheticProcessRollUp2” OR deviceaction = “WmiCreateProcess” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Childproc” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process Activity: Launched”) AND destinationprocessname = “cmd.exe” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “-decode” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “.jpg.lnk”
  • rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “ProcessCreate” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “SyntheticProcessRollUp2” OR deviceaction = “WmiCreateProcess” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Childproc” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process Activity: Launched”) AND destinationprocessname = “certutil.exe” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “-decode” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “Cortana” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “.rar”
  • rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “ProcessCreate” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “SyntheticProcessRollUp2” OR deviceaction = “WmiCreateProcess” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Childproc” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process Activity: Launched”) AND destinationprocessname = “wscript.exe” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “-decode” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “Cortana” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “.bat”
  • rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction ENDS WITH “Written” OR deviceaction = “File created”) AND oldfilepath CONTAINS “\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup” AND filename ENDS WITH “.bat”
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